All Canary Islands remain at Level 1 for the third consecutive week

Published on November 04, 2021
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
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The Ministry of Health announced today, Thursday, November 4, that all the Canary Islands will remain at alert level 1 for the third consecutive week.

In the entire territory of the Autonomous Community, between October 27 and November 2, 555 new cases of COVID-19 were reported, representing a decrease of around 4.3% in the daily average of new cases compared to the previous week (from October 20 to 26), when 580 cases were registered.

Despite this decrease, the average 7-day AI rate in the Canary Islands as a whole and by islands increased by around 11.3%, so that, from a daily average of 24.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, it went to 27.6 cases during this last week.

Lanzarote is placed at a medium risk level and El Hierro at a very low-risk level, while Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma and La Gomera have oscillated between medium and low-risk levels.

This same trend is observed in the 14-day AI, where the daily average has increased to a greater or lesser extent across all the islands so that the whole of the Autonomous Community is at medium risk in this indicator.

Given this evolution of accumulated incidents, the Ministry of Health insists on the importance of maintaining preventive measures like the use of the mask in closed spaces, hand hygiene and interpersonal distance to avoid risks of transmission of COVID-19.

Healthcare indicators

The daily average of conventional hospital beds occupied during the last week by COVID-19 patients was 80, 2.6% more than the previous one, although in all the islands the percentage of occupation is at a very low-risk level, except for La Palma, which is at low risk.

The number of occupied ICU beds continues and consolidates the decline that began more than 2 months ago, with 17 ICU beds occupied, one less than two weeks ago.

The median age of the total number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in the last 14 days is 63 years, while the median age of the 5 people admitted to the ICU in the last 14 days is 54 years.

Cumulative incidence in unvaccinated people

The cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 cases in the last week is 3.2 times higher in the population that has not received any dose of vaccine compared to the rate in the population that has received the full vaccination scheme. As a consequence, while the 7-day AI rate in the unvaccinated population is at medium risk (52.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), among fully vaccinated people it is placed at low risk (16.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).


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