Arrecife Carnival 2018 - Vote online to help choose the thematic

Published on February 12, 2018
LanzaroteArrecifeEvents in Arrecife
Carnaval arrecife
Vote for the theme of the next Carnival in Arrecife 

Get ready for the fiesta, 'cause Lanzarote is starting preparations for the next set of Carnivals!

Ayuntemiento de Arrecife has just announced the dates for the carnival next year in Arrecife and they also informed that there will be an online voting system in order to choose the thematic for the festivities.

Arrecife Carnival 2018 Dates: 2 - 14 February 2018

Charmed Carnival in Arrecife, Lanzarote

Wednesday, February 14, 18:00h. Burial of the Sardine. Departure from City Hall to the Marine Park, with street musicians, parades, batucadas, winning floats and sore mascaritas. Next GREAT BURNING OF THE SARDINE OF CARNIVAL

Starting from the 3rd of July 2017, people interested in the event can vote for their favorite theme for the next carnival. The voting will be open between 3 - 17 July 2017. Afterwards we will update the article to announce the winning theme.

Below are the 4 themes that were proposed for the Arrecife Carnival 2018:

  • Caribbean Carnival: Inspired by the largest parties in the world, this theme will be based on 5 large celebrations of the Carnaval in the Carribean: Trinidad, Curazao, Barbados, Dominican Republic and Jamaica. 
  • Enchanted Forest Carnival: Theme based on a fantasy forest located on an island with magical creatures, gigantic trees and other mythological beings.
  • Venetian Carnival: Known as one of the oldest carnivals in the world, the Venitians are recognized for their costumes and masks worn during the celebrations.
  • Carnaval Manriqueño: This theme would be focused on the artistic work of César Manrique.

Online voting on the Ayutamiento de Arrecife's website has ended in July 2017.

The winner theme for the 2018 Carnival in Arrecife is: Enchanted Carnival.

See info about the latest edition of the carnival in Arrecife.

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