19:00 - Nocturnal walk with Astronomia Lanzarote at 7 PM. Starts from the civic center in Fragata street. You have to sign up by writing an email to participacionciudadana[@]teguise.es.
Wednesday, 27 September
19:30 - Theather "The Testament" (El Testamento) at CC. Costa Teguise
20:30 - Bola Canaria Tournament in front of the Hotel Sands Beach. Call 679 453 741/606 311 980 to sign up
Thursday, 28 September
17:00: Ludoteca (C.C. Costa Teguise area)
17:00: Kids workshops (C.C. Costa Teguise area)
20:00: Prize lottery (C.C. Costa Teguise area)
20:30: Continuation of the Bola Canaria Tournament
Friday, 29 September
17:00: Workshop Soft Combat (C.C. Costa Teguise area)
17:00: Beginning of the 1st Football Tournament 7 Palmeiros at Palmeiros Football Court. Sign up at: 629 590 044/663 205 081
17:00: Collective mural at the Skate Park
18:00: III ”Skateando ando” “Fingereando ando”. (Skate park)
19:00: Darts tournament at Bar La Gabarra. Sign up at 606 578 003
20:30: End of the Bola Canaria Tournament
21:00:Fiesta night in Costa Teguise at C.C. NAUTICAL – Gofio tasting with Los del Gofio Arraez. – Parranda El Golpito
Saturday, 30 September
10:00: Continuation of the Football Tournament 7 Palmeiros
10:00: Activities in El Jablillo area. Initiation to diving and talks about recycling
11:00: Gastronomy workshops for kids and cooking show for adults (ZONA C.C. COSTA TEGUISE)
19:00: Master Class Zumba with Tony Biyang. (C.C. NAUTICAL)
20:00: Salsa Cubana workshop with “Lovely Dance”. (C.C. NAUTICAL)
22:00: Concert night (C.C. NAUTICAL) with Los Vándalos (Tenerife) and Ciempiés ni Cabeza (Lanzarote). Fireworks.
Sunday, 1 October
10:00: Beach handball on Las Cucharas beach
11:00: Kids day with workshops and Water Festival in the parking of Playa Bastian