Spain, including the Canary Islands, classed as high-risk area for Covid-19 by Germany

Published on July 24, 2021
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
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The German Robert Koch Institute (KRI) reclassified this Friday Spain, including the Canary Islands, as an area of ​​high risk for Covid-19 infections and the change in travel recommendations for Spain will take effect from Tuesday, July 27, at 00:00.

What does this mean?

With Spain being classed as a high-risk area for Covid-19, this means that travelers returning to Germany from Spain must be quarantined for 10 days immediately after their arrival in the country.

People who have the full vaccination scheme or who have recovered from COVID are exempt from the 10-day quarantine.

In the case of people who don't have the vaccine and return to Germany from Spain, the quarantine can be cut short after five days, if they can provide a negative test result for Covid-19 infection.

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