Spain will require negative Covid test from visitors from high risk countries

Published on November 11, 2020
Canary IslandsNews from Canary Islands
spain negative covid test
Spain will require travelers from high-risk countries to show a certificate for a negative PCR test

Spain will require international travelers from high-risk countries to show a certificate for a negative PCR, done in the last 72 hours before arriving in the country. This new requirement will go into effect on November 23.

This measure was just announced by the Ministry of Health in Spain. This new measure complies with the EU Recommendation which seeks to end the disparity in the health control models implemented by countries in the European Union.

The Health Control Form that all passengers must complete before entering the country, will include a question regarding the PCR test, which will have to be done a maximum of 72 hours before arriving in Spain.

At any time, the passenger may be asked to prove the test result. The document must be original, written in Spanish or English and may be submitted on paper or electronic format.

Risk countries - who will need to have a negative test in order to enter Spain?

In the case of European countries and the Schengen zone, the risk map prepared by the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) will be used to establish who needs a test. According to the latest reports, the UL and all EU countries are considered high risk, with the exception of Norway, Finland and Greece.

Travel agencies, tour operators, airlines or maritime transport companies will need to inform passengers of the obligation to have a PCR with a negative result in order to travel.

The resolution that establishes these new controls will be published tomorrow in the BOE and will go into effect on 23 November.

What does this mean for the Canary Islands?

This new measure has just been announced, so not everything is clear yet.

This new measure will probably supersede the measure put in place by the Canary Islands, which will go into effect on November 14th. 

The new measure imposed by Spanish authorities means that the negative certificate will be a mandatory requirement for entering the country and it will apply to all Spanish territories, not just the Canary Islands. 

The proof of a negative test will be necessary in order to be allowed on a flight to Spain, so the test will need to be performed in the country of origin, otherwise, travelers will not be allowed to board the plane.

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