Festivities in Villaverde in honor of San Vicente Ferrer 2017
FuerteventuraEvents in Fuerteventura

Festivities in Villaverde in honor of San Vicente Ferrer 2017

Published on April 11, 2017

Villaverde will start celebrations in honor of San Vicente Ferrer, the patron of the local church. These festivities will last for a week and will include sports, activities for children and also live music.

Easter in Fuerteventura 2017
FuerteventuraEvents in Fuerteventura

Easter in Fuerteventura 2017

Published on April 03, 2017

Easter is a big holiday in Spain, so the Canary Islands are a popular destination for tourists during this time. There are lots of religious events in the weeks before Easter, but the most important ones happen during the Holy Week, which this year is between 10 - 16 April 2017.

Caleta de Fuste April Fair 2017
FuerteventuraCaleta de Fuste News from Caleta de Fuste Events in Caleta de Fuste

Caleta de Fuste April Fair 2017

Published on March 28, 2017

Caleta de Fuste will celebrate this year the typical Sevillan fiesta with flamenco dance, music and beautiful floats. In the entire municipality of Antigua there are residents from many cultures, so it is important to celebrate diversity, especially when there's music and dancing involved.

The famous restaurant La Frasquita has been rebuilt and will reopen soon
FuerteventuraCaleta de Fuste News from Caleta de Fuste Restaurants in Caleta de Fuste

The famous restaurant La Frasquita has been rebuilt and will reopen soon

Published on March 28, 2017

Good news for Caleta de Fuste this week: the famous restaurant La Frasquita will reopen soon, after being demolished due to works done to built the new maritime promenade - Paseo Marítimo de la Playa del Castillo.

Disney starts shooting in Fuerteventura for the new Star Wars
FuerteventuraNews from Fuerteventura

Disney starts shooting in Fuerteventura for the new Star Wars

Published on March 17, 2017

As it was announced a few months back, Fuerteventura will become for the next few weeks one of the Star Wars planets, while Disney and Lucas Films will start filming for the new Star Wars movie.

Invictorock Corralejo 2017
FuerteventuraCorralejoEvents in Corralejo

Invictorock Corralejo 2017

Published on February 17, 2017

Corralejo will start celebrating today the Invictorock 2017 Festival, where different groups and bands will perform a variety of music styles: Reggae, Ska, Punk, Rock, Heavy Metal, Folk and Rockabilly.

Fuerteventura Carnival 2017
FuerteventuraEvents in Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura Carnival 2017

Published on January 24, 2017

Every year, between the months of January and March, Fuerteventura and the rest of the islands are dressing up for party and start celebrating their first big event of the year.

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