Info about the weather in Tenerife, Canary Islands - Spain.
We get this question quite often here at Guide to Canary Islands: what's the weather like in December in Tenerife? How warm will it be and can you sunbathe in Tenerife in December?
Tenerife is an all year round destination - people come here for different reasons and during all seasons, because winter is considered one of the high seasons in Tenerife, since the island is one of the places where you can escape the cold in Europe.
Tenerife is the largest Canary Island and one of the most popular places to visit in November in Europe.
October is a transition month in Tenerife, with the weather changing from its warmer summer season to a slightly cooler autumn period, but October is still a beach month in Tenerife, especially in the south of the island.
Thinking of your summer holiday? Well, June is the start of summer here in Tenerife and the weather is getting warmer and warmer every day.
May is a good month to visit Tenerife if you are looking for a warm and peaceful holiday before the school year ends. The island starts blooming and the weather is perfect for sunbathing without being too overly hot that you have to hide from the scorching sun.
April can have a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to weather, although it may have more to do with people's erroneous expectations, than with the actual weather on the island. So what's the problem then?
In Tenerife, and in the Canary Islands in general, the month of September is still regarded as a summer month, although officially the autumn season has begun. But not in the Canaries! Over here, summer lasts a little bit longer...
August comes with full-on summer temperatures, very low chances of rain and long sunshine hours all over the island. Tenerife embraces the summer weather in August and attracts the crowds that are looking for a hot place in the sun, where they can sunbathe and swim all day long without having to worry about rain.
July means full-on summer in Tenerife, and this translates to high temperatures, low chances of precipitation and moderate chances of calima.
Tenerife is the largest and most popular of the Canary Islands and during the past years, tourism has grown, reaching 6 million tourists in 2016. With these numbers, it's clear that the island has become a popular tourist destination, especially for European visitors.
If you're planning a trip to Tenerife and you've never visited the island before, you may be wondering how bad the wind is and how it differs in-between season.
March is still a cold month pretty much all over Europe, so we understand that you're looking for a warm place to holiday at this time of year. And Tenerife is one of those great places where the weather is comfortably warm and the days are sunny, allowing for sunbathing during the month of March.
We're all looking to escape the cold winter weather and for many people in Europe, Tenerife is one of the top choices for a winter holiday: it's part of the EU, it's well connected via low cost flights, the weather is warm enough that you can get a tan and let's not forget the good food and cheap beer.
Tenerife is a year round holiday destination, with warm weather and sunny days during all seasons, while the temperatures stay fairly constant throughout the year, as opposed to the rest of Europe where they vary by a lot between winter and summer.
The eternal question...does it snow in Tenerife? If yes...when? And how often?