INVOLCAN has just announced that a new eruptive mouth has opened up on the flank of the active cone of the volcano on La Palma.
The authorities have just announced that due to the explosive nature of this new volcanic episode 3 new places on La Palma will need to be evacuated urgently: Tajuya, Tacande de Abajo and Tacande de Arriba.
The eruptive column already reaches a height of six kilometers above sea level and it has been found that the main lava flow (the oldest) is advancing at a speed of less than 1 meter per hour, although a new stream has appeared that is located along from the southern flank.
For the next few hours, a change in the wind is expected at altitudes between 3,000 and 5,000 meters, which will move the ash cloud towards the northeast, so it will not have a negative impact on air navigation.