Canary Islands start the weekend with rain and cloudy skies

rain canary islands spain

Today's weather forecast for the Canary Islands indicates generally cloudy skies, except for high peaks and the southern coasts in the morning, where skies will be partly cloudy.

According to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), there is a likelihood of weak and occasional rainfall, which may become locally moderate and in the form of showers in inland areas during the afternoon.

Temperatures will drop on the summits, ranging from a high of 24 degrees in Tenerife to a low of 15 degrees in El Hierro.

In Gran Canaria, the north and northeast will experience predominantly cloudy skies, with cloudy intervals elsewhere turning to overcast conditions inland by the afternoon. Weak and occasional rainfall is expected, potentially becoming locally moderate in inland areas during the afternoon.

Lanzarote and Fuerteventura will have generally cloudy weather, trending towards overcast skies on the eastern slopes in the afternoon, with occasional and scattered rains that could be locally moderate.

Temperatures will see little change or a slight rise, ranging from a maximum of 22ºC to a minimum of 18ºC in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Moderate trade winds are expected, with some strong intervals during the first half of the day in the extreme northwest and on the southeast slopes, along with breezes on southwest coasts.

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