Canary Islands, fourth place in Spain with most holiday rental homes

Published on June 06, 2024
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The Canary Islands had 46,784 registered tourist accommodation properties at the end of last February, according to the latest figures published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This places the Canary Islands as the fourth region with the highest number of holiday homes.

In Spain, there were 351,389 tourist accommodation properties (VUT) as of February, representing 1.3% of the total housing stock, according to the INE data, which highlights a growing trend, especially during the summer season.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs announced the launch of an investigation into unlicensed tourist accommodations. This investigation focuses on the companies and property owners advertising them, not the platforms where they are listed, according to Daniel Arribas, the director general of Consumer Affairs.

The more than 351,000 properties recorded by the INE in its experimental survey, with data as of the end of February, represent an increase of 46,253 properties from the previous year (a 15% rise) and offer 1.75 million beds, a 13.3% increase. 

This INE statistic only includes data from August 2020, during the pandemic, when 321,496 vacation rental properties were recorded.

The autonomous communities with the highest concentration of these types of accommodations are, logically, the most tourist-heavy regions. The INE data "heat map" shows almost the entire coast in red, except for the Basque Country.

Leading this classification by communities are Andalusia, with 82,454 properties; followed by the Valencian Community (59,413); Catalonia (52,598); and the Canary Islands (46,784).

In fifth position is the Balearic Islands, with 25,073 VUTs; followed by Madrid, with 19,456; and Galicia, with 17,883.

This phenomenon is less prevalent in communities like La Rioja (1,263), Extremadura (1,759), and Aragon (4,594).

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