Christmas 2024 in Morro Jable & Costa Calma - Pajara, Fuerteventura

Published on December 04, 2024
FuerteventuraMorro JableEvents in Morro Jable
pajara morro jable costa calma christmas

The City Council of Pajara municipality announced each year the details regarding the events and activities planned for this holiday season in Pajara, Morro Jable, Costa Calma and La Lajita.

Pájara Unveils Its 2024 Christmas Program with Over 30 Events Across the Municipality

Pájara will once again feature the world's tallest crochet tree, now two and a half meters taller than last year. This unique installation, created by participants at the local Senior Center, will serve as a walkable open-air museum showcasing their craftsmanship.

The municipal government has announced a packed schedule of more than 30 Christmas events starting Monday, December 9, across La Lajita, Costa Calma, Morro Jable, and Pájara. The activities cater to all age groups and include concerts, workshops, markets, sports, and theater performances.

Christmas Events Schedule in Pajara, Fuerteventura - 2024 Edition

  • Monday, December 9, 6:00 PM: Cantilandia at Plaza de Los Pescadores.
  • Wednesday, December 11, 3:00 PM: Fiestukids children's concert at Plaza de Nuestra Señora de La Regla.
  • Friday, December 13, 6:00 PM: 19th Christian Moreno López Christmas Race in Morro Jable.
  • Sunday, December 15:
    3:00 PM: El Origen del Hielo musical (Frozen tribute) at Plaza de Los Pescadores.
    6:00 PM: Los Cantadores Príncipes y Princesas show.
  • Tuesday, December 17:
    6:00 PM: Los Musipops: Mamá Noel y el Duende de la Navidad musical at Costa Calma Municipal Tent.
    8:00 PM: Divas de Invierno concert at Plaza de Los Pescadores.
  • Saturday, December 21, 8:00 PM: Los Clásicos de la Navidad at Plaza de Los Pescadores, featuring performances by Iván Quintana, Andrea Rodríguez, Shaila Durcan, Víctor Estarico, and Serafín Zubiri
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