The Tenerife Island Council is contemplating the implementation of a fee aimed at enhancing and conserving its protected natural spaces. In an upcoming session on Friday, the 26th, the Council will delve into the legal and economic aspects surrounding this proposal, emphasizing its earmarked revenue.
Tenerife has evolved into a premier tourist destination over time, owing to its mild climate, natural environments, and rich biodiversity, among other attributes. However, the island is currently grappling with mounting pressure on its natural spaces due to a surge in visitor numbers. This predicament calls for solutions to preserve these invaluable resources while fostering the island's economic and social development.
Consequently, the island's administration seeks to explore the establishment of a fee structure to channel fresh financial resources towards better conservation of these natural areas and to introduce new services aimed at enhancing the visitor experience. This approach aims to address both present and future challenges in managing these unique spaces.
Tenerife's protected natural spaces, including renowned areas like Teide National Park, the village of Masca, Anaga Biosphere Reserve, and Teno Rural Park, hold significant ecological and scenic value. However, the surge in tourist visits, particularly following the pandemic period, has placed considerable strain on these fragile environments, necessitating a comprehensive response. This response involves better visitor management, improved parking facilities, accessible signage, enhanced surveillance, and the integration of relevant informational tools to ensure a safer and more enriching visitor experience, mitigating risks associated with overcrowding and improper use of these spaces.
The Council underscores the need to update the management strategy across various sectors of the island administration to achieve a more sustainable destination in all aspects, especially environmental. This strategy aims to reconcile the conservation of natural spaces with economic development and the well-being of the island's residents.
The proposed targeted taxation mechanism takes a holistic approach, addressing both environmental preservation and visitor experience enhancement. It is envisioned as an integral component of the broader strategy, not merely a standalone measure, to ensure sustainability in the short, medium, and long term. Revenue generated from this fee would be allocated towards preservation, maintenance, and enhancement of these natural environments, ensuring their splendor and biodiversity are preserved for future generations, alongside the implementation of new services.
Moreover, the Council emphasizes the importance of transparent management of any imposed fee, ensuring it directly and efficiently contributes to the protection of natural resources.