Lanzarote tourist centers increased revenue by 38% despite welcoming less visitors

jameos del agua lanzarote

The counselor of the Art, Culture and Tourism Centers, Ángel Vázquez, offered details in a conference to assess the impact of the ticket price increase that went into force on January 1, 2024.

Vázquez has announced that Lanzarote Tourist Centers have earned a total of 12,389,807.96 euros during the first quarter of 2024, 38% more than in the same period last year. Ticket office revenue rose by 50.94%; revenue in restaurants by 10.99%, and the revenue in stores by 7.14%. 

In this regard, he highlighted that these figures have been reached after receiving 806,000 visitors, that is, 5% less than during the same months of 2023, when 849,010 people were received. "These numbers reflect the success of a measure that will allow us to generate greater wealth for Lanzarote and, simultaneously, reduce the pressure on César Manrique's work."

The Montañas del Fuego, the historically most visited center, has received 3,171,951.18 euros in tickets, 72.26% more, with 13,481 fewer visitors. Ticket office revenues also grew in Jameos del Agua (55.06%), Cueva de los Verdes (61.95%), Mirador del Río (57.33%) and Jardín de Cactus (12.68%), “which shows the success of this measure.” 

Online ticket sales grew by 15%

In regards to the management of visitor flows, Vázquez has shown his satisfaction with the result of the pilot experiences carried out in Cueva de los Verdes and Jameos del Agua, which will allow the sale of tickets by time slots to be activated as soon as possible and put an end to the waits at the entrances to the most visited centers. In this sense, he has pointed out that the withdrawal of the vouchers has contributed to significantly lightening the operations of the ticket office and, therefore, reducing the formation of queues.

Regarding the fees, the counselor explained that “a total of 306,243.87 euros have been accrued to the town councils of Yaiza, Haría and Tinajo, and 250,000 euros to the Cabildo of Lanzarote during the first quarter of 2024, which represents a 155.36% increase compared to 2023, which translates into greater wealth for the island of Lanzarote and its population.”

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